What we believe
The Bible is God’s Word and absolutely trustworthy.
There is one God in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
God has all power and authority; he has perfect wisdom and knowledge.
God created the heavens and the earth and is the source of all life.
All human beings are accountable to God and will stand before him in final judgement.

All human beings, with the exception of the Lord Jesus Christ – who being God became man, are guilty as fallen sinners, and liable to God’s condemnation.
Because of God’s love Jesus Christ became man so that he could live a perfect life in this fallen world, and then die, as the only acceptable substitute, in the place of guilty sinners.
Sinners are united to the Lord Jesus Christ by faith, his perfect life is counted to be our righteousness, and the punishment of our sin is worked out in his sacrificial death.
It is impossible to have this faith without knowing God, therefore the priority of the church is to declare and explain what God has revealed about himself in the Bible.
All who are united to the Saviour by faith are part of the one universal holy church (transcending denomination, culture, ethnicity, and history) over which he, the risen Lord, is King.
Jesus Christ will return to this world at the end of time. He will receive those who have been redeemed into eternal glory, and in judgement condemn those who have refused the mercy of God.
Historically the Church has always made use of creeds and confessions to summarise the most important issues of Christian faith and life. We stand in the flow of church history, which includes the ancient ecumenical creeds and the Reformed Confessions. Our authoritative standards are the Westminster Confession of Faith, together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.
All ministers, elders, and deacons have vowed to uphold the teaching of the Scripture as it is explained in these documents.